Friday 23 November 2012

Types of women you meet in Second life

First to know the type of the women you will need to know what a clinger is ..
There are 5 basic categories of clinger women
Category 1 : Does not exist. Its for normal females
Category 2 : The planner
This kind of women plan long ahead .
Eg : her : So what your plan for the holidays ?
        You : Nothing really just gonna go on a vacation with friends
        Her : :)) aww  I will miss you
         You : Whats your name again ?

Category 3: The persevering planner

Her : Hi, what you upto ?
You : Just at a store with my bro
Her : cool, which store ?
You : Bloodlines store :P
after 1 min
her : I don't see you in bloodlines
you : We just tped away to another place
her : well :(
her : :) tp me babe ? :)

Category 4 : The intelligent persevering planner

Her : Hi, can I have 1 L$
You : Sure.
(basically transaction of any kind of inventory item )
after 5 mins
Her : I see you ! Omg you are talking to those people.
You : Yeah..
Her : Can I join ? :)
You : How did you know i was here ?
Her : Love always finds a way
You : :))
Her : Come here and stand beside me
after 5 mins
Her : Last night I bought an awesome bed
You : great
Her : May be you should see it too.

Fair Warning .. If you are not planning to be with her stay away from women who "invite" you immediately within 72 hours of meeting .. (who am i kidding ! ) but if you go for it be prepared for the 5th and final category

There are a few signs of a stage 5 clinger applies to females you have met only in last 1 week
1st. She welcomes you back..every time you log in no matter what
2nd If you are with a friend and she sees you, she is not going to walk upto you but stand at a distance pretending to be afk
3rd Will go through your groups, join a few of them, specially to find out where you live and she can make a landmark there and someday "accidentally" end up there.
4th After you are offline, if she has access to your house, she will check all the owners of the items at your house and see if you are in the same group and then try to be "friends" with them without you knowing about it .

Now since you know the 5 categories of women *which also applies to men* in second life type for 2nd stage
Now I shall tell you the signs to seek for in a woman and avoid such women in second life at any cost
Loves to rp even when you are talking in im, mostly refers to themself as 3rd person.
Gets pregnant within 1 week of "spending" time with her or has prim babies with her and wants you to refer and treat them as real children.
Awesome bubbly does "anything" you want after you have known her for only 72 hours .
Always busy with drama in her groups and changes her boyfriends more often than she changes clothes in second life.
Always busy somewhere ..
Says that she likes you but spends around 8-9 hours with her best male friends and keeping you waiting or even if you are with know you are the stranger amongst them
Has a boyfriend in real life but still wants a partner in sl. ( Not all relationships are perfect but do a lot of thinking about commiting or trying to be cuddly with such person, they just want to be with you so that they can fix their emotional problems.  Of course there are exceptions but very rare )
She won't show her face on camera but rather pass out pictures. Voice can be changed so it does not qualify for verification.
Has a quite new avatar but knows everything about you or second life.
Uses piegon english like i wub u , choo chweet . These kind of species of "girls" are found to be wearing very provocative outfits, dressed like a fashionista and have a lot of "sistas" and not to mention small short avies.
Gesturebates a lot . If she can't express her feelings without gestures how do you expect her to be romantic with you ?
Has lots of L$ but fashion sense sucks..beware that category personas are mostly above the age of 60 who still use windows XP and login to facebook to talk to their grandchildren. I have met a girl in sl , who met her real friend's grandmother on adult beach with another guy in sl at 1 am their time. (if you know what i mean )
And that will be all for now. And oh yes remember .. If a woman or man says that she likes you BUT has not met you personally or contacted you through im in last 72 hours despite being online... She is not into you. Relationships in Second life move on faster than you can finish a nine inch Subway burger !


  1. Not quite perfect in my mind. One thing that never ceases to amuse me is the way cam perving and porn as become a regular demand amongst men and women in sl. The fact that sl was created as a second life seems to now be portrayed as a rl in sl and an absolute right of porn passage in a sl relationship or verification of a person's holy rl. If it not true that if a person is willing to go as far as voice morphing to satisfy their undying need that they wouldn't also go the the lengths of hiring someone else to cam for them on occassions as such. Oh yes in my years since being in sl since 2006 I have had two main character in sl and seen so many changes. It has gone from simply being a fantasy sl to being some kind of a pornographic rl scenario, especially rampent in bloodlines I might add. I might remind people that sl was created to give you just that and should never be treated as a rl. Sure you can project your personality into it but seriously if you think it is your rl you really need to get out of sl. If cam perving was meant to be don't you think sl would have provided such a service? There are many rl place's to be outside sl more real and genuine than the people here who insist on the use of skype camming within sl. And really since when was there an age limit on how you could be in sl. I know someone that is over 50 and 60 years old who are genuinely nice people. I think is poor to judge someone on their age and what age they can be to successfully have a sl no matter what they choose to do with it. I myself am 46 and proud of it and my bf is 26 lol and I never hear him whine about the age difference chuckles!
